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Three-way Solarium

For our friends that won’t be flinging sharp pointy things we are setting aside space to have a little fun off the field.  Bring your leather, fiber and illumination.  The more the merrier!



One Man’s Caravan is another’s Castle

Bubba’s settling in and fortifying his ramparts.  Best depiction of Caravans or Castle architecture on illuminated scroll blanks.


Quivers, Arm Guards, and Gloves Oh, My!

Come show off your leather working prowess!  We are looking for archery gear that not only works on the field, but is beauteous enough to be worn for a fancy night out at the local pit-cookery.  


The feuding between our Baron and Baroness continues, extending its reach into the most sacred of our fires - the camp cooking fires!  Our beloved Baroness feels that the coals of our barony should be used to help feed the populace, and, while our Baron agrees, he feels that if we’re gonna sear something tasty it should be the result of our martial prowess.  Thus we have a divide:


Cast Iron Cook Off

Nobody goes to war on an empty stomach! It takes more than swords and sharp pointies to keep the masses marching.  Bring a dish to the Saturday potluck that shows off your skills.  The Baroness is hoping for a good variety of dishes, everything from breads and all manner of vegetables to sweet delicious treats.   


Felled by an Archer

Let’s not rest on our haunches, it takes more than the bounty of the fields to fill a feast table! Looking for a game dish that would have been supplied to the feast table by the archers of the realm.  Bring a dish to the Saturday potluck that shows off your skills. Of course jerkies count!  The Baron said he will try anything.



A&S Activities

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